Early Menopause practice tools for health practitioners
Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstrual periods following the loss of ovarian activity and is characterized by symptoms such as hot flushes and an increased risk of osteoporosis.
The average age of menopause in Australia is 51 years. However, menopause can also occur in younger women with up to 4% of women experiencing spontaneous premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) before the age of 40 years and up to 12% of women experience spontaneous early menopause before age 45 years. Turner syndrome, due to X chromosomal monosomy, is a cause of POI.
Early menopause can also occur following medical treatment such as surgery or chemotherapy, affecting up to 10% of women. Early menopause occurring spontaneously secondary to medical treatments, is associated with negative impacts on psychological and physical health, both short and long term.
Increasing numbers of cancer survivors highlights the importance of early menopause as a health issue.
A NHMRC Partnership Project to address knowledge gaps regarding early menopause with best practice research focusing on implementation and translation of research outputs resulted in a comprehensive range of resources for consumers and health professionals related to early menopause, including: