Our Partnerships
Monash University & Monash Health
Centre for Research Excellence in Women’s Health in Reproductive Life (CRE WHiRL)
MCHRI researchers are part of, and collaborate with Centre for Research Excellence in Women’s Health in Reproductive Life (CRE WHiRL)
Led by MCHRI, CRE WHiRL is improving health outcomes and quality of life, in women’s reproductive health and delivering meaningful health impact.
CRE WHiRL brings together leading researchers from the Universities of Queensland, Adelaide, Western Australia, Melbourne and New South Wales, health services, government agencies, professional societies, consumer groups and our international reproductive women’s health network.
Visit the CRE WHiRL website at www.whirlcre.edu.a
Gender Equality and Leadership Advancement Partnership Centre
The Partnership Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership Advancement is informing the Australian and international healthcare sectors with policies and strategies that are based on research and evidence- based for successful and effective health and leadership outcomes for women. It supports the implementation of policy, ensuring outcomes are sustainable and effective for women and the organisations they work within. This Centre is bringing together 26+ partners, both national and international, to enhance and improve success and impact. Read more.
Advancing Women in Healthcare Leadership (AWHL)
Advancing Women in Healthcare Leadership (AWHL) is MCHRI Monash University led large-scale national research and impact project supported by an NHMRC Partnership Project grant and contributions from our partners. Together in co-design with our partners AWHL will generate a knowledge base and deliver multi-faceted organisational and individual level interventions that measurably improve career progression for women in healthcare.
Visit the AWHL website at www.womeninhealthleadership.org
Women's Health Research, Translation and Impact Network (WHRTN)
The Women’s Health Research, Translation and Impact Network (WHRTN) seeks to boost national and international collaboration on women’s health and research, build health workforce capacity, develop leaders in women’s health, and advance research and translation to deliver impact and better health for Australian women in partnership with community.
Visit the WHRTN website.
National Healthy Pregnancy Initiative
Optimising the health of women, their infant and families, through effective, sustainable and low-cost healthcare programs and initiatives, informed by the best available evidence. Supporting women to have a healthy pregnancy, delivering better outcomes for mothers and their babies.
Read about the National Healthy Pregnancy Initiative.

The Centre of Research Excellence in Health in Preconception and Pregnancy (CRE HiPP)
The Centre of Research Excellence in Health in Preconception and Pregnancy (CRE HiPP) is hosted by the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University. MCHRI leads the pregnancy stream and contributes to preconception and postpartum health research. CRE HiPP is an innovative, passionate, multi-disciplinary team of researchers, clinicians, students and consumers determined to refine and implement health promotion, lifestyle improvement and obesity prevention for women planning pregnancy and during pregnancy.
Visit the HIPP website at www.hipp.org.au.
Good 4 Mum
Good4Mum is a general practice-based quality improvement collaborative program for diabetes prevention among women who have had gestational diabetes (elevated blood glucose during pregnancy).
GooD4Mum is supported by a Partnership grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and financial or in-kind support from Diabetes Australia, the Australian Government Department of Health, Diabetes Victoria and RACGP. More.