Reproductive Epidemiology

Evidence & Translation

Aiming to improve reproductive health outcomes by providing the best available evidence on treatment effectiveness, diagnostic test accuracy, and prognostic factors.

We use the start-of-the-art research methodology in epidemiology to answer important clinical research questions on conditions relevant to reproductive health that are prioritised by their end users.

Reproductive epidemiology involves research on treatments, diagnosis and prognosis of reproduction-related conditions. These include infertility, tubal disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome as well pregnancy complications during the course of pregnancy.

The Reproductive Epidemiology Group conduct large collaborative evidence synthesis projects, randomised controlled trials and observational studies to answer questions prioritised by clinicians, consumers and policy makers.

They collaborate with clinicians, methodologists and consumers to produce evidence-based
knowledge base to inform clinical decision-making and improve reproductive outcomes.

Dr Rui Wang is a reproductive epidemiologist and NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University and works closely with the MCHRI team.

Implementation & Impact

We are producing knowledge base on the effectiveness and safety of clinical interventions, accuracy of diagnostic tests and prognostic value of predictors in reproductive medicine to improve health outcomes. Our knowledge base has been implemented in national and international guidelines and consensus. These are used globally to inform patients and clinicians in clinical decision-making.

Research Streams
Personalised assisted reproduction

Couples with infertility refer to a heterogeneous population. The conventional “one-size-fits-all” approach may not be applicable to interventions in infertility. We are working with international trialists to collect de-identified individual participant data (IPD) of completed randomised controlled trials to evaluate treatment effects of interventions during assisted reproduction on different groups of couples with infertility, aiming to provide a personalised treatment pathway to guide clinical practice.

Diagnostic and prognostic tests in reproductive medicine

There are new diagnostic and prognostic tests emerging in recent years, aiming to improve diagnostic accuracy and prediction of reproduction-related conditions. We are systematically evaluating the performance of these tests (diagnostic accuracy or prognostic value) in diagnostic accuracy test and prognostic factor meta-analyses. We are also working with large fertility clinics to evaluate the prognostic value of biomarkers.

Evidence-based tools to improve fertility care

Evidence end-users, especially consumers often find scientific evidence from evidence synthesis too technical and difficult to understand. Based on the findings of our previous and ongoing large collaborative evidence synthesis projects, we are developing and evaluating evidence-based online tools to make the evidence more accessible to consumers.

Improving reporting and transparency in reproductive research

Clinical research in reproductive medicine has its unique features in terms of design, conduct and outcome choices. The reporting of clinical research in this area is not always optimal. Therefore, it is important to assess existing clinical research in this area, and to identify the key limitations, so that effective improvement strategy could be provided to improve reporting and transparency.

To deliver health impact, we use the following MCHRI platforms
  • Community and stakeholder partnership
  • Clinical and public Health interventions & trials
  • Big data and the Learning Health System.
Group Members

Dr Joanne Enticott

Senior Research Fellow, Biostatistician

Dr Anju Joham


Dr Aya Mousa


Head of Diabetes, Metabolic and Reproductive Health Research

Student Research Projects

This team offers a variety of Honours, Masters and PhD projects for students. There are also a number of short-term research opportunities available. You are encouraged to get in touch regarding potential projects that align with the research areas.

We gratefully acknowledge the funding given to our group by the following groups:

  • National Health and Medical Research Council
  • The Centre for Research Excellence in Women’s Health in Reproductive Life (CRE WHiRL) 