Enablers that could help


To successfully implement change in a healthcare setting, you need to understand the factors around you that can assist your initiative. We call these enablers and once identified your effort will go to harnessing these for support.

Think about who will benefit from your initiative. 

Benefits can include: 

  • cost savings (likely to be attractive to management), 
  • improved consumer experience/outcomes (likely to appeal to consumer and their families and carers, also advocacy groups)
  • efficiencies (staff, management, consumers)
  • improved care (all stakeholders)
Common enablers to support implementation:

High level of tension for change

When there is tension for change, individuals or groups within an organisation feel that the status quo is no longer acceptable or sustainable, and that change is necessary in order to achieve desired outcomes.

Effective communication

Clear and effective communication, both within the organisation and with stakeholders, can help build support and understanding for the change project.

Leadership support

Strong leadership support and commitment to the change project can help to overcome resistance and ensure the project's success.

Employee engagement

Employee engagement and involvement in the change process can help to build buy-in and reduce resistance to change.

Adequate resources

Adequate resources, such as funding, manpower, and technology, can help ensure that the change project is properly implemented and supported.

A culture of innovation

A culture of innovation, where employees are encouraged to embrace change and new ideas, can help to facilitate the implementation of change projects.

Flexibility and adaptability

Changes can be made as needed, so the project stays on track and meets objectives.

Collaboration and partnership

Stakeholders and partner organisations help build support and overcome barriers to change.

A clear and well-defined plan

A clear and well-defined plan for the change project, including objectives, timelines, and responsibilities, can help ensure the project is properly executed.

One key enabler is effective communication and engagement with stakeholders. This includes building strong relationships with staff, patients, and other key stakeholders, as well as ensuring that these groups are involved and engaged throughout the change process. By soliciting feedback, addressing concerns, and building a sense of ownership and buy-in among stakeholders, healthcare organisations can create a supportive environment that fosters successful change implementation.

Another important enabler of change in healthcare is effective leadership. This includes the involvement and support of leaders at all levels of the organisation, as well as a focus on building leadership capacity and engaging leaders in the change process. Effective leadership can help create a clear vision for the change initiative, provide the necessary resources and support, and build a continuous improvement and innovation culture. By fostering a sense of leadership and ownership among staff and stakeholders, healthcare organisations can create a supportive environment that facilitates successful change implementation and long-term sustainability of the change initiative.

By harnessing enablers, organisations increase the likelihood of effective and sustained implementation.