DRAFT - Implementation Toolkit
Every change project is also a social experiment.
Engagement and relationship building are of immense importance.
MCHRI Implementation approach
The Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI) is a leader in evidence-based implementation and is distinguished by a focus on methodological rigour, stakeholder engagement, and partnership, leading to co-production, and timely and effective translation to create a Learning Health System.
We understand that merely establishing effectiveness of an innovation does not guarantee its uptake, and that a deliberative approach is required to actively overcome the notorious research to practice gap.
In contrast to other implementation frameworks, the MCHRI method places a strong focus on meaningful stakeholder engagement, codesign, knowledge generation, dissemination, translation, scale-up, and refinement/learning from evaluation. By harnessing stakeholder insights, the MCHRI approach is attuned to local and systemic contextual barriers and enablers. Co-design of strategies to overcome barriers, and harness opportunities, is a central tenet of this approach.
“It is important to remember that implementation is not project management. People often confuse the two. Implementation is everything that is wrapped around a project, to ensure its effectiveness, uptake and sustainability.”
Dr Rhonda Garad
Please go through each of the steps of the readiness assessment and review the recommendations based on your responses.
Readiness refers to factors pushing or pulling your organisation or work areas towards or away from change.
Before you start
Spend time thinking about the problem you are trying to fix. Write it down. We will get back to it later.
Try not to jump to a solution. What evidence you have that this problem exists? If there is no objective evidence at this stage, that is fine. You can work towards gathering evidence.
You can sign up for your implementation toolkit package and choose the level of support you require to start your implementation journey. Then, we will walk you through the preliminary steps and readiness assessment to prepare your implementation project.
After the readiness assessment
We will walk you through the implementation journey step-by-step, and you can create your action plan to get the initiative ready for implementation. We will support you at every step and provide you with training and coaching (optional) to design, implement and evaluate your change.